I had a near death experience when a healthcare worker told me that I had "lumpy breast" a few years ago, after going for my annual check up. Going through years of Nursing school and working with countless patients as a profession. I observed rich and poor dying from Cancer. This did not strengthen my belief in the modern day practices concerning Healthcare. The same treatments used to treat Cancer, causes Cancer. Pain drugs, classified as Opioids-Morphine and others, are from the Opium Poppy Tree, which grows freely, but cost a lot of money and is synthetically formulated with a composition that does not get divulged to the people who take them.
Norvasc is also classified as a Calcium Channel Blocker that is often used to lower blood pressure. It lowers blood pressure by leaving enough Calcium around in the blood vessels to relax the smooth muscles and lower the blood pressure. However, you won't hear a doctor telling you to have some Calcium supplement if you want to keep your blood pressure low. Inositol Hexaphosphate and Diatomaceous Earth often has Calcium in it, or is used to absorb Calcium, or can turn into Calcium, while in the body. Lexitral is another drug; used for Arthritis pain that has the natural component of pepper in it. It is often found in over the counter drugs such Icy Hot. Capsaicin is the name of this ingredient, even though this drug is formulated with other ingredients not divulged to the people taking them. I enjoy peppers straight from the tree with my meals, minus the vinegar (fungal derivative). I have not had any heartburn despite what the doctors may say. I also take Calcium supplements on a regular basis as well as getting the Vitamin D from the morning Sun. That's why milk is used to neutralize the effects of Capsaicin if it gets in the skin. Don't forget to drink plenty of clean water to prevent any Calcium stones from forming in you body. I won't have to worry about Sodium increasing my blood pressure because I have plenty of Calcium to counteract this effect. If blood pressure was an issue, there is always natural herbs, such as Dandelion tea that I could use. A little Sodium Bicarbonate in some clean water helps to buffer the body and keeps it in a more Alkaline state. If you choose this method for your Alkaline water be sure to get a Bob Red Mills Brand of (click blue writing to order) Baking Soda or a Brand that's Aluminum-Free. This can also be found at Whole Foods. SN: I wonder if this means that these Natural Herbs and Foods have been evaluated by the FDA, since they are actual ingredients in Pharmaceutical Drugs. There is a certain statement that needs to be made concerning these FDA evaluations, hence the reason for my thought. Food For Thought: These drugs are usually from natural sources but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires ingredients to be listed on the labels of the foods that you eat, not the drugs that you take. There is not much of a difference between the street Pharmacists (drug dealers) and the ones in your local drug stores, except legality and regulations. Do a root-cause analysis on what is in what you are taking and why, before you take it. -God Bless |