The main reason why I saw no difference in this medication was the fact that it weakens the Immune System...Alcohol is made from fermenting sugar with the Fungus as the main product (Cirrhosis of the Liver, even Kidney disease since the body has to constantly try to flush itself).
I worked at the children's hospital here in Florida for a few months, before I noticed that a lot of patients and their parents were being admitted for Hyperbilirubinemia (Too Much Bilirubin In The Blood). It's a condition that is evident by a yellowing of the skin and eyes. Bilirubin or Bile is a brownish-yellowish pigment that is made in the Liver and Bone Cells before it is sent out to the Vertebrates and Stool according to: It is what gives the stool a brownish color. If there is blood in the stool it may change the color to bright red if it is in the lower intestine or dark red to black if higher up in the intestinal tract. Bilirubin also shows a breakdown of the Red Blood Cells in the body. Eating Green leafy vegetable is important to replace these Red Blood Cells, such as Kallaloo, Kale, and Spinach.
The accumulation of the toxins used to produce alcohol in the body, particularly the Liver leads to borage of diseases. The body or the Liver is unable to filter the Fungal toxins as it should and therefore bilirubin is backed up in the body. This is why some babies are placed under a billi light or lamp for extended periods when born. The shining of UV or Ultraviolet; UVA and/or UVB light on the area or various areas of the body, helps to expel the fungal toxin from the body in the urine and stool (See P.S. Below).
The body of a person affected by hyperbilirubinemia is Usually Yellow in Appearance and so is the Sclera or the white of the eyes. The tanning processing of bathing in the sunlight can help the body to utilize the UVA/UVB light. That's right, You will not get Cancer from the Sun, it will help rather than hurt the body by getting rid of Cancer and it has Vitamin D. (Please research photo-therapy (Light Therapy) for skin conditions such as Psoriasis etc).
Hundreds or perhaps thousands of dollars are spent in the hospital to use the Billi Therapy, but it is the same light that can be obtained freely from the Sunlight or for less than 20 dollars from my pictured gel nail polish drying machine. The light reflection and refraction of the Optical Nerve can also help to stimulate this process.
Light Darkness
P.S. Fungus likes warm, moist, dark places, so you would be doing your body or your babies body a world of good by staying in the Light so you can invest in an Ultraviolet Light(even tanning) or stay in the sun. This light is also great for Candida itching and burning.
Image Below: If you are unable to obtain a T-Bili (Blood/Lab Work), then this is another way that you can tell if the bile production level is high in the blood. If the skin has a normal appearance in regular light, but has a yellow tinged under a UVA/UVB(Glow - In The Dark) Type Light then the bile production level is high as noted above.
This drug was supposed to be another drug filled with great promises, even better than Chemotherapy they said...why are they still experimenting? Artificial and bleached sugar is a Cancer patients worst enemy but you will never hear that from your doctor because they would not want to compromise the money that is being made off this industry.