- Soap Nut: Bring 2 (click blue writing to order) Soap Nuts to a boil in a small pot, half way filled with water for approximately
- Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (click blue writing to order) and (click blue writing to order) Activated Charcoal: Add a Cap Full of 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and Activated Charcoal to Soap Nut mixture while mixture is still warm to allow the Activate Charcoal to dissolve (Best to Use Extra Fine Activate Charcoal for this reason), add it to an empty bottle or poor off approximately 75% of the Non-Alcoholic, Hypo - Allergenic Baby Shampoo (can get item from the Dollar Tree).
- Sesame Street Baby Shampoo and Mixture: Combine Non-Alcoholic (prevents dryness and Fungus from seeping into brain and body through scalp) Baby Shampoo (approximately 25% more; for more suds) and Pre-concocted Soap Nut Mixture (Approximately 75%) in an empty bottle.
- All Ingredients combined: Mix all ingredients together by shaking container and use to wash hair.
*This is something that I have used on my own hair and the results are amazing, I have darker and rich; well moisturized hair when I combine this with my All Natural Overnight Hair Strengthening and Moisturizer Treatment (Co-Wash not needed if combined with this procedure).
*A Hair Relaxer (Cream) is an alkaline product - usually uses the same Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) that I use in the making of my Cocoalocoa, Rose-O-Nut, or Green Tea, Head to Toe Soap Bars - with PH levels of 13 to 14. The neutralizing shampoo that comes in the perm box never neutralized the Lye in my hair because I would have sores and scabs on my head days later indicating a chemical burn; even in the No-Lye perms, before I decided to go natural. See Make Your Own Toothpaste and Mouthwash for more on this topic.
*My testimony of this procedure and how it has helped me may not work the same way for everyone, but the sacrifice that JESUS CHRIST gave, will…He is coming back soon, so BE READY!